(Nonspecific) Low Back Pain

“I’ve had low back pain all these years because of bulging discs.”


For low back pain, none of our diagnostic (imaging) or special orthopaediic tests can reliably and accurately identify the pain generator. This is why the diagnosis “Nonspecific Low Back Pain” is accurate. Anyone who claims they can identify the pain generator for lower back pain is likely exhibiting Dunning Kruger. 

Furthermore, it does not change management—avoid bed rest, activity modification, progress with activities as tolerated. Surgery, injections, and radiofrequency ablations do not work for lower back pain. 

There is nothing special about the Mckenzie Method or Stu McGill’s Big 3 (Curl-up, Side Bridge, Bird Dog). Bird Dogs will be the death of me. I would actually argue that the aforementioned are insufficiently challenging to confer meaningful benefit, especially when you compare them to other active exercise interventions.