
One of my favorite articles on multi-tasking from Julie Beck. “The Zen of Adult Coloring Books”

"In the admittedly brief time that I have had this coloring book, it has filled a particular activity niche for me, which is “something to do with my hands while I watch Netflix.” Other activities in this niche include: knitting, painting my nails, texting, putting candy in my mouth. End of list. 

Why do I need to do two things at once? Why can’t I just sit quietly and enjoy a TV show?

I’m watching TV in the first place to relax, to quiet my mind, and often my mind is loud enough that it shouts over Coach Taylor. If the front of my mind is occupied by the show, and the back is focused on picking colors and staying in the lines, there’s not room for much else. It’s a sort of mindfulness that’s more like mind-fullness."