Maintaining Shredded Conditioning

Let’s say you’ve capped out your natural genetic potential (maximized how much LBM you can retain while being very lean); and have dieted down and are now shredded. What’s next? The usual advice promoted is to “increase kcal intake and accept putting on some body fat—while your physique will be softer, you can still look reasonably fit.”

This post is for those who want to stay shredded long-term (year-round). 

AFAIK, there are 2 options you can adopt:

  1. Reverse diet 

  2. “Low days with Q2-4day refeeds."

The issue with the reverse diet strategy is that while you can eat significantly more before weight gain occurs compared to the kcal intake you needed to diet down on (refer to my post on buffer zones here), it’s usually not enough for contentment.

With the “low days with Q2-4day refeed” approach set up optimally, kcal intake should be high enough on the refeed day so you experience contentment (refer to my post on refeeds here). That contentment should seep over into post-refeed day 1 where appetite will still be suppressed. The goal is for bodyweight (proxy for body fat) to baseline by days 2-4 post-refeed so that you can hit another refeed. I find this approach to staying shredded year-round much more sustainable.  

IMO, calorie dense foods (e.g. cookies, cakes, burgers, pizza, pasta, pancakes, sushi, kids cereal, ice cream, etc.) are only worth it (offer that feeling of satisfaction) if you can eat a sizable amount in one sitting; and you can feel reasonably full throughout and by the end of the day. Perhaps “low days with Q2-4day refeeds” will work out for you.